Solidarity demonstration in Brussels with the comrades of “Revolutionary Struggle”‏

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October 25, 2011

Greece: Trial against “Revolutionary Struggle”

The trial of the eight alleged members of anarchist “Revolutionary Struggle”, finally began yesterday before the Special Criminal Court of Appeal set up within the walls of Korydallos prison near Athens. Originally due to begin October 5, the trial was postponed to allow one of the accused, Katsenos Costas, who handed himself in to the authorities at the beginning of the month, to prepare his appearance.

Costas Katsenos is the only one of the eight accused currently in custody, the three main defendants (those who claim membership of “Revolutionary Struggle”) – Nikos Maziotis, his wife Panayota Roupa, and Konstantinos Gournas, having been recently released in conditional liberty upon the expiry of 18 months of their period of detention. All the accused have refused to testify before the special court of three judges. Nikos Maziotis read a text before the court, which noted that the trial was political and should be judging the politicians, bankers and capital, which are the origin of social robbery. “Revolutionary Struggle” is a political organization more relevant than ever, hurled Nikos Maziotis.
The defendants face heavy penalties of up to life imprisonment. The trial will resume on November 1 and should last at least until the end of December.
Fifteen people gathered on Tuesday afternoon at the Greek Embassy in Brussels to show their solidarity with the defendants of “Revolutionary Struggle”.

25 octobre 2011

Grèce : Début du procès contre “Lutte Révolutionnaire”

Le procès de huit anarchistes membres présumés de “Lutte révolutionnaire”, a finalement commencé hier devant la cour d’appel criminelle spéciale installée dans l’enceinte de la prison de Korydallos près d’Athènes. Devant initialement commencer le 5 octobre, le procès avait été reporté afin de permettre à un de ces accusé, Costas Katsenos, qui s’était rendu au début du mois aux autorités, de préparer sa comparution.
Costas Katsenos est le seul de huit accusés actuellement en détention provisoire, les trois principaux accusés (ceux qui revendiquent leur appartenance à “Lutte Révolutionnaire”) -Nikos Maziotis, sa femme Panayota Roupa, et Konstantinos Gournas-, ayant été placés tout récemment en liberté conditionnelle à l’expiration des 18 mois de leur période de détention provisoire. Tous les accusés ont refusé de déposer devant la cour spéciale, composée de trois juges. Nikos Maziotis a lu un texte devant la cour, qui soulignait que le procès était politique et qu’il fallait juger les politiciens, les banquiers et le capital, qui sont à l’origine du braquage social. “Lutte Révolutionnaire” est une organisation politique plus actuelle que jamais, a lancé Nikos Maziotis. Les accusés risquent de lourdes peines allant jusqu’à la prison à vie. Le procès doit reprendre le 1er novembre et devrait durer au moins jusqu’à la fin décembre.
Une quinzaine de personnes se sont rassemblée ce mardi après-midi devant l’ambassade de Grèce à Bruxelles pour manifester leur solidarité avec les inculpés de “lutte Révolutionnaire”.

Revolutionary Struggle: Solidarity to Andrea ‘Andi’ Stauffacher

Dear comrades,
We, the imprisoned fighters of the guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle, express our solidarity with comrade Andi, member of the Revolutionärer Aufbau in Switzerland and the Secours Rouge International (International Red Aid), who is accused for arsons by the Swiss State.
Any incrimination of a comrade, anywhere in the world, is incrimination of all who fight against the Capital and the State.
In our struggle it is important to develop international solidarity, especially among the fighters, in our era where the war carried out by the international financial elite, the States and the governments against the people to support the current capitalist system is aggravated because of repression and state terrorism.
International solidarity is a relationship that not only connects and continues our struggle, but can also lay the foundation for the creation of an international revolutionary movement, the organization of which is now more necessary than ever, and can benefit from the present systemic crisis to attempt the overthrow of the current capitalist system and the State.
International solidarity is a necessary condition for worldwide social revolution.

No prosecution against comrade Andi
Freedom to all imprisoned fighters in the world

Pola Roupa, Kostas Gournas, Nikos Maziotis

(Translated from Italian > ch.indymedia > culmine, September 26th, 2011)

Zurich: Banner in solidarity with Andrea Stauffacher by ‘Gruppe für eine antikapitalistische Praxis’

Beginning of the trial against Andi: September 28th, 2011, 10.15 am, Viale Stefano Franscini 3, 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland

Athens: Manifestations in solidarity with comrades imprisoned and persecuted for the Revolutionary Struggle case and in memory of Lambros Foundas

On October 1st, at 12 pm comrades attended a solidarity gathering PA’s [mikrofoniki] in Syntagma Square where also texts were distributed for over an hour regarding the upcoming trial of the Revolutionary Struggle case.

Nearly 3,000 people marched down central streets of Athens in solidarity with the imprisoned members of the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa, Kostas Gournas and Nikos Maziotis, as well as the persecuted for the same case Christoforos Kortesis, Sarantos Nikitopoulos, Vaggelis Stathopoulos, Marie Beracha and Kostas Katsenas (who is not a fugitive anymore). Militant slogans were chanted such as ‘The States are the only terrorists! Solidarity with the guerrilla fighters!’ and ‘Lambros [Foundas] lives inside every fighter’s heart’.
The trial of the Revolutionary Struggle case will begin on Wednesday, October 5th, at 9 am in the special court of Koridallos dungeons. It is now more than necessary to show international solidarity with our comrades.

Berlin: Attack against Deutsche Telekom in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

During the night to October 3rd, we made a gift to the German economy. We attacked several vehicles with incendiaries at a site of Deutsche Telekom in Lichtenberg, Berlin. We selected the date for this action in reference to the trial against the organization Revolutionary Struggle which begins on October 5th in Athens.

We stand in solidarity with the actions of the Revolutionary Struggle and demand the release of Kostas Gournas, Panagiota ‘Pola’ Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and all other comrades who are imprisoned.
The option of armed struggle within autonomous and radical leftist forms of resistance should always be maintained but must not be led to isolation from other forms of actions and movements.
Here, there is no movement willing and able to back up the possibility of armed struggle. For this reason, there aren’t any guerrilla groups in Germany at the moment.
However, the levels of resistance in Europe need to refer to each other in order to fight the project of the European superpower more effectively.
The troika set the privatization of state-owned enterprises as a condition for further credit loans to the Greek State. Within this framework, Deutsche Telekom has overtaken large shares of the Greek telecommunications organization OTE at times of hoped economic upturn. Since OTE’s profits did not rise up to the anticipated amount, [its largest shareholder] Deutsche Telekom plans to launch layoffs and massive wage cuts against the employees. Also, Telekom specifies the payments to early retirees as a ‘burden’ in its balance sheet. Deutsche Telekom speculates via this pressure to acquire OTE’s remaining shares, and thus completely overtake the company from the Greek State, in order to obtain the absolute supremacy. The example of this multinational corporation marks the inhuman capitalistic exploitation logic very well.
Furthermore, Telekom is involved through a security partnership with the police and the army in the comprehensive surveillance at Germany and abroad.
Our attack was also meant to support the strikes among the employees and workers in Greece, and to merge the struggle of the anarchist movement across the borders.
We hope that this action will also encourage others to participate actively in a militant perspective.
We commemorate Lambros Foundas who was shot dead by cops
in his struggle for freedom.

‘Propagandists of the Deed’ (Propagandisten der Tat)

Source: linksunten




I send you my support and hopes of strength for the trial.
A spectacle set up by corrupt judges, cops and politicians.
In the north, we will raise a clenched fist through the barred windows of the English
prisons, high towards the sky.
Never losing sight of our goal.
Sharing dreams of freedom and victory.
With determination and courage, united we will succeed.
No one is free until all are free.

Fire to the prisons and the states that create them.
T. Blak


Σας στέλνω την υποστήριξή μου και τις ελπίδες δύναμης για τη δίκη.
Ένα θέαμα που έχει στηθεί από διεφθαρμένους δικαστές, μπάτσους και πολιτικούς.
Στο βορρά, θα υψώσουμε μια σφιγμένη γροθιά μέσα απʼτα κάγκελα των παραθύρων των Αγγλικών φυλακών, ψηλά προς τον ουρανό.
Ποτέ μην λησμονείτε τον στόχο μας.
Ας μοιραστούμε τα όνειρα της ελευθερίας και της νίκης.
Με αποφασιστικότητα και θάρρος, ενωμένοι θα πετύχουμε.
Κανείς δεν είναι ελεύθερος έως ότου όλοι να είναι ελεύθεροι.
Φωτιά στις φυλακές και στα κράτη που τις δημιουργούν.
T. Blak


IRF Bristol claims attack against Law Courts in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle (UK)

10 & 11 October 2011
On the night of Monday 10 October, the windows of Bristol Magistrates Court were smashed and ‘FIGHT BACK’ sprayed on the front of the building. On the night of Tuesday 11 October, the windows of Bristol Civil Justice Centre were smashed.
One of many reasons these buildings were attacked was in solidarity with people persecuted after the riots. These attacks were part of the struggle against power, a struggle that flared up again in August as people fought police and attacked police stations, cop cars and courts as well as so much else.
Now the state is trying to make an example of the small percentage of rebels they’ve managed to catch – and is threatening collective punishment of families and households. Cracks are showing in the myth of democratic social consensus as authority, under attack, resorts to more naked force. They’re trying to frighten the rest of us back into quiet obedience – but it’s not going to work.
It should be obvious by now that we’re not acting in order to ask for some kind of reformed, more ‘just’ replacement for this – or anything else – within this democratic society. The borders of democracy are made up of violently enforced racial, economic, social, sexual and governmental structures. Police, courts and prisons are just one part of this. ‘Justice’ has always been about maintaining hierarchies and inequalities through force. The rich always get away with shit while the poor are punished for the slightest transgression.
Physical attacks like these are just one part of the struggle for freedom, whether they’re done in open joy by a crowd of former strangers or quietly in the dark by a small group of friends. At the same time, we struggle to overcome internal hierarchies and the cops in all of our heads. Much more is possible.
This action was done with thoughts of N Maziotis, P Roupa, K Gournas, C Kortessis, V Stathopoulos, S Nikitopoulos and M Beracha, standing trial far from here from October 24, accused of participation in Revolutionary Struggles exemplary contribution to the fires that burn in Athens for many years with words and deeds: our struggle is one. Solidarity with the accused of that case who is still uncaptured and with every social fighter forced into clandestinity- stay free and stay fighting! Power has not won.
Nothing has ended, everything has begun.

International Revolutionary Front – some Bristol participants.

Barcelona, Spain: Bomb warning against the Greek consulate in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle


Barcelona, ​​October 5th, 2011
19.30 GMT+1, bomb alert in the Greek consulate in solidarity with Epanastatikos Agonas (Revolutionary Struggle).
We demand the unconditional release of N.Maziotis, P.Roupa, K.Gournas, Ch.Kortesis, V.Stathopoulos, S.Nikitopoulos and M.Beraha.
We are going to win.

Subversive struggle

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